Sunday, March 20, 2011

To Hannah,Atarah,Shari(:

This is to my true best friends Hannah,Atarah,shari(:

You are the choco to my late
you are the lollie to my pop
you are the iceing to my cake
you are the sweetness to my mango...
but most of all you are my three best friends and hope to see you again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hope You'r Having Fun At School(:

I hope you'r Having fun at school because I know I am.  My teacher is so cool and so fun.  Our class room is really big and I have already made friends.  I hope your making new friends and I hope your having a great time at school.  I also hope you love the new school if you are in another school and Hope you like your new teachers.

Can't you just wait for your new homework if you don't have it yet.  I know I can't wait for my new homework.  I don't know why but I'm just a person that likes to study or do a lot of homework.  If your not a kind of homework person or study person then thats OK but you'll still do it I hope.  If you love homework so much then why not pick your own topic just for yourself or with someone alse.  If I were you then I would pick a crazy Scientist or I could do a designing challenge.  So if you really do like doing homework or if your not to lazy to do it then give it a try because to me it will be really cool and fun so try it out.

Hope You Thought About What You Want To Be(:

Hi its me
and I hope you had a long think about what you want to be.  This is going to be like last time when I wrote about what you want to be but this time you have to pick something out of my ideas like...
                 GIRLS-                                                                 BOYS-
           1. Singer                                                                     1. police
            2. scientist                                                                    2. Pilot
              3. Shoe or clothes designer                                            3. Race Car Driver

So All Girls you can pick from the GIRL side and the Boys pick from the Boys side or you all can pick from each side.  So if you pick one then you can type it on the comment page.  So thanks.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hi guys
sorry I haven't been on the blog for a while now and hope you had a good christmas.  As you can see the title is LEKSIKON and I'm sure you have no cooking clue what that means.  My aunty came up with this one and it is a book name very strange name I know.  Well when she was a kid she did it. You get a book then you write all kinds of questions in it and then you give it to the people in your class or anyone then they answer it and you know stuff about them and this a good idea for you kids because you can make new friends.  So the main questions are that you have to use is...
-what is your name...
-Where do you live...
-What is your phone number...
-Where do you like to go...
-What is your favourite sport...
-And what is your favourite animal...
Then when your finished writing that down then you can write other stuff.  So if you want to keep busy these few days then you can do that and show it to anyone you want and they can fill it out.  See ya!

Friday, December 31, 2010

What do you want to be when you grow up!


this next blog is going to be about this...
what do you want to be when you grow up.  Well I have lots of things planned out for me like being a singer or a photographer.  I have more than that.  Most people decide what they want to be when they're a bit older but why not decide now I mean its more fun and exciting.  So think about it now what do you want to be when you grow stop if you got it then that's great if you haven't then  think little harder.  What I want to be when I grow up is a photographer I don't really know why its just I really love taking random pictures and plus its really fun, well to me it is.  Its hard to think about what you want to be when you grow up so the people who are reading this right now when you get of here I want you to think about what you want to be when you grow up and have a really long hard think, and don't worry it was hard for me as well.  Sometimes when your older then you might not want that job any more because you might want something else that you want to do for the rest of your life well if your lucky or you might keep the job that you wanted to be when you grow up.  YEAH...for you.  All I'm saying is that it is really fun to decide what you want to be because you've got more time.  So what is your passion and remember think long and hard about this.  So see ya and have a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS every one.

Friday, December 24, 2010

GooGooGaGa Went Xander(:

Hi guys, sorry that I didn't write any more because my mum was in labour to get my Baby Brother out.  While my mum got my baby brother out then I was at my grandmas for 6 days.  When I came back from my grandmas which was on Sunday I saw my Baby Brother Xander.  When I saw him I couldn't beleive my eyes.  I was so surprised  and I couldn't wait to hold him.  He is just so cute and he looks a lot like my dad.  He was really tiny and had a lot of hair.  His room was all done and my dad made most of the things in his room like his cot his changing thing where he gets changed on.  He cries every two hours and and to me he loves milk.  Hes Getting really heavy and bigger.  When I'm with him I feel happy and excited because I'm with him.  Plus I've always wanted a baby brother.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My friends.

These are my best friends...

Shari  Atarah
Hannah Courtney
Lisa Leija
Michel Aashay

And I have more friends then that but I don't feel like typing it now
so see ya and have a Merry Merry Christmas everyone.